Chane Behanan Suspended, More to Come According to Former Card

Today the University of Louisville announced the suspension of starting forward Chane Behanan. Chane is being suspended indefinitely not for a violation of team rules but rather a violation of school rules and team rules according to the press release. Pitino was asked if Chane could return, he responded, “It is possible. It’s not probable.”

Later Pitino was asked about the violations to which he responded, “it’s multiple things, don’t ask what it is we’re not going to tell you.”

In typical Louisville media fashion, they follow the orders of their commander and hush up like puppets.

As we reported to you back over the summer, Kevin Ware was suspended from the team but let back on. What we are finding out today is additional information that not only was Ware suspended but also Behanan. Ware has since followed university and team rules where Chane has not, resulting in the “indefinite suspension.”

As our report stated over the summer, it wasn’t a jab at Ware but more so the media of Louisville bowing to every move of Pitino and letting him and A.D. Tom Jurich control the media. Earlier today a former Louisville Cardinal said the same thing.

Bender was one of the top recruits in the nation coming out of high school from Louisville Ballard High School in 2001. Bender went on to play at the Univerity of Louisville under Pitino before leaving after his freshman season.

Bender obvioulsy isn’t a fan of Pitino and has been in the news within the last two years. Brandon has been reportedly connected with the University of Central Florida and trouble that has risen there which I don’t believe. Brandon helps numerous kids, and has over the years from everything that I have been able to collect.

Today on facebook Brandon Bender and Eric Crawford were in conversation and we have pulled some of the conversation. According to Bender there is more to the story that we don’t know but we will find out in two weeks.
58 min ago

51 min ago

24 min ago

8 min ago

6 min ago

My question is, how does everyone in the world find out information that Louisville media can’t when they are in the backyard? Louisville media, do your job!

BY: Dee-Bee

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11 Responses to Chane Behanan Suspended, More to Come According to Former Card

  1. Ted says:

    Bender is s street runner and a lunatic. His obvious agenda against Pitino is what fuels the idiot to post such nonsensical drivel. Just remember, this is the same lunatic who said he was going to go pro after his junior year in high school. The guy needs serious mental help.

  2. Bender is speaking what everyone already knows about Pitino. He says he respects Jurich, the city and the school but the coach SMH… can’t disagree with him there can we?

  3. Ted says:

    You are obviously clueless. Bender didn’t want to follow the rules while he was at Louisville, so Pitino showed him the door. The rest is history. You don’t know anything about Pitino, except that he’s about 1000X the coach that creepy Crean is. Have a nice day.

  4. Oh I know plenty about Pitino, three things comes to mind.
    1.) He is an adulterer
    2.) He lasts 15 seconds when making love
    3.) He is pro-abortion

  5. L. Schumer says:

    You can’t even report honest, well documented facts. Why would anyone trust your rumormongering vile BS?

    Bender didn’t “leave ” UofL, he was shown the door for numerous violations rumored to be hanging at strip clubs under age and marijuana usage. He is an admitted 3rd class runner to a slimey runner who has a very loud mouth. Even the slimey runner disassociated himself from BB brains insesstent mouth running. He indicts CRP for making the problem public. . He then claoms the media fear UofL, TJ and CRP; yet the story has been the talk of every radio and TV station and the newspaper since announced – some fear.

    He then starts a public dialogue demanding to be told the issue (“that should remain private”.

    BB is a walking moron and contradiction.

    Suggest you stick with covering a 2nd class athletic program like IU and steer clear of the majors if BB is the best source you have.

    • not_delusional says:

      The only reason they are talking about it because UL officially released this information. You won’t find any media outlets in Lou. doing any investigative journalism against UL. These rumors about Ware and Behanon have existed for months, but the media just publishes what TJ says at face value.

      If you live in Lou and have any doubts that UL controls the local media, then you are the walking moron.

  6. Frank says:

    Brandon Bender. Really. This guy is and always will be a loser. You lost your credibility with this article. Indiana sucks.

  7. Brandon Bender says:

    Former local basketball star faces fraud charges

    (LOUISVILLE) — A former Ballard High school basketball star who briefly played for the University of Louisville is in trouble with the law.

    Brandon Bender faces fraud and theft by deception charges after allegedly making several purchases of more than $100 with two stolen credit cards.

    Bender was arrested but has been granted a request to move his arraignment date to March so he can return to Turkey where he plays professional basketball.

    His attorney told us the credit cards belong to an ex-girlfriend.

    You HATTER.

  8. Brandon WTF Bender? says:

    Using Bender as the main source for an article is journalistic malpractice on its face.

    He is “not a winner” to be extremely charitable.

    Get a grip.

  9. BEASTVILLE says:

    The “truth” is out there! lol

  10. John says:

    Wow… Branden Bender… Really?? The last time I saw him, he was coaching another team in my 8 yr old son’s REC basketball league… He’s not even a blip on the radar on the AAU circuit, let alone a name anywhere other than in his own mind.

    You’ll find more relevant and knowledgeable sources by soliciting through a craigs list ad.

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